July 15, 2023 · 9:13 am
I went to the Hay Festival for a couple of days at the end of May and picked up Regenesis by George Monbiot from the signed copies table in the Festival Bookshop (climate and food seemed to be big topics at the Festival this year). The first half of Monbiot’s book about the state of the food and farming industry is terrifying, with disturbing statistics about the impact of land use for farming livestock and evidence that some types of organic farming can actually be worse for the environment. Luckily, the second half is more positive with examples of how food production can be genuinely sustainable, although it feels like it would take a miracle for these methods to be widely adopted across society to make a difference. Monbiot has clearly been deeply immersed in his research on soil ecology, but also addresses social issues around food bank use, and he puts forward a persuasive case for reducing farming of animals for food.
Attack Warning Red! by Julie McDowall looks at Britain’s preparations for a nuclear attack during the Cold War. McDowall was traumatised as a child by the film ‘Threads’ first broadcast on the BBC in 1984 (if you’ve seen it, you’ll understand…) and the contents of this book won’t feel any more reassuring. Some early versions of the government’s emergency plans were optimistically based on capturing the Second World War’s “Blitz spirit” and seem wholly inadequate to the point of being laughable amid the collapse of civil society. They include pub landlords jumping on their bicycles and shouting “The Russians are coming!” as a four-minute warning for local residents, ice cream vans being used to transport medicines and prisoners being freed because incarceration would no longer be a punishment (one Home Office report also noted that psychopathy would be a useful trait in a crisis situation). ‘Attack Warning Red!’ is a uniquely farcical “what if?” look at history that never was, yet also quite chilling in that the plans were very much real even though they were never used.
Filed under Books